Highslide Installation
Home Support Joomla! Contribute; The Joomla! Shop; Sponsorship; Try Joomla! Demo; Free Hosted Website; About. About Joomla! Core Features. Apr 01, 2012 [MODDB] HighSlide Attachment MOD. There is only 2 file edits per style and one folder to upload - very easy to install. Modification Version: 4.1.12.
Highslide Js
We've been looking at a way to enhance our ecommerce and photography software for some time, and were lucky enough to stumble upon Highslide JS. Integration was incredibly straight forward, the documentation and examples meant that we could very quickly decide on the best way forward for our own application, and within an hour we had rewritten our own software to include the Highslide JS functionality as standard.
We've tested it on several browsers across several platforms and it works perfectly so far, with no hanging around waiting for java applets to install or inconvenient cabfile installations. We would have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Highslide to anyone who is considering taking a huge leap forward with their image galleries. Excellent work Torstein, thank you! Use the visual to set up your Highslide installation without writing code. Quick and elegant looking.
No plugins like Flash or Java required. Popup blockers are no problem. The content opens within the active browser window. Single click. After opening the image or HTML popup, the user can scroll further down or leave the page without closing it.
Lots of configuration options and scalability without compromizing on simplicity. A component system lets you strip away unused features down to a filesize of 10kB. Outstanding, unconditional and free user support for both commercial and non-commercial users. Compatibility and safe degrading.
If the user has disabled JavaScript or is using an old browser, the browser redirects directly to the image itself or to a given HTML page. Source code included.
These are some third party sites offering plugins and other implementations of Highslide into other systems. If you know a plugin that's not in the list, please send me an email through the 'Contact' link in the main menu. Some of these implementations use old versions of Highslide, so you should upgrade to the latest version before you use them in a production environment.
System Name Comment Use Highslide to present your Lightroom galleries. Makes implementing Highslide in ASP.NET extremely easy. Tutorial for including Highslide in Blogger Integrates Highslide into Gallery A Drupal module for Highslide Several Jalbum skins use Highslide JS, including Boxer, Matrix, Profiler and Siteli. Gallery plugin Supports most Highslide features Creates thumbnails automatically in your content using HighSlide to expand the image. Step by step tutorial MaxSite CMS is popular in Russia, Ukraine and other countries Use Highsldie zooming and slideshow functionality for displaying attachments. Gallery template Modification for Simplemachines Forum Typo3 extension Replaces vBulletin's popups with Highslide Zero-click-solution to zoom images with Highslide JS. Note: some basic HTML knowledge is required to install Highslide.
For any problems in your installation, see. 1: Installation using the Editor The is a visual tool that lets you configure most of the numerous Highslide options without writing code, and upload the results directly to your web server. This is not only a great help for non-developers, it also saves time for professionals who don't have to read through the API documentation to get things done. 2: Manual installation.
Download and extract the zip-archive from the. Run the file index.html, navigate to your favourite setup and view the source. Change the file to suit your needs, or copy and paste parts of it into your HTML file. If you mess it up, go back to the original file and change it bit by bit. Study the and the for advanced features. If you move the Highslide JS files, remember to change the graphicsDir setting in the Javascript.
Example of a manual installation In this example the zip archive is unzipped to the root of your website. In addition, the CSS code from your favourite example is copied and pasted into a file called highslide.css and placed in the /highslide directory. 1) For this example, your directory structure should look like this: 2) Put this code in the head tag of your HTML page.