How To Install Adobe Flash Player On Knoppix
Download free Adobe Flash Player software for your Windows, Mac OS, and Unix-based devices to enjoy stunning audio/video playback, and exciting gameplay. Knoppix install flash player Free Download,Knoppix install flash player Software Collection Download.
Hi, everyone I'm Manish from India and I'm extremely new to linux. Please help me. My hard disk crashed a couple a days ago and I've given it for replacement. Its going to take a week for that. I heard about Knoppix not needing a Hard disk and hence I've installed it in my 2 GB pen drive and I'm running it. It's my first encounter with anything linux & I really like it. But I do have a problem, I cannot install any plugins or softwares.
How To Install Adobe Flash Player
All I need at least is to install the Adobe flash player plugin so that I can watch videos on Youtube and such. Earlier when i had the hard disk on all i did was follow the Install Missing plugins Instructions in IceWeasel and it worked in Knoppix as well. But now it doesn't work. I have partitioned my USB drive into 2 partitions of 750MB and 1.14Gb each.
The 750 Mb partition is Knoppix's root directory while I've saved a persistent Knoppix disk Image in the other partition. I really have very little idea of what I'm doing but I'm sure I'm smart enough to follow clear instructions.
Please help me Any help would be mightily appreciated! It may seem not very sensible but I've registered in this forum just to thank both the person who asked this question in a so comprehensive way and the guy who answered plainly (albeit it should have been quite simple for one intimate with Linux, I think). I'm using Knoppix 6.0 live-cd now and it really seem to be a perfect piece of software. It has this default Orca screen reader that must be precious to whoever needs it, when it is disabled the system is really swift and it also has some options at boot time like to browse the Internet and other things without the need to load the OS. Besides being super fast it has OpenOffice 3.0, Iceweasel browser etc. I'm a quite new Linux user and it was convenient to find this how-to install flashplayer.
I think one of the problems that is being encountered here is that the USB has not been configured properly to allow it to be used as more than a CD on USB I have booted from the LIVE CD and installed CLAMAV in order to check out my Windows installation for unwanted guests so for me the first question would be how much memory does my PC have if I am creating a RAM disk memory install and afterwards I would want to know if I have created the proper environment for Ubuntu to run from the USB drive there is a site that has been mentioned in this thread where the say. I guess then that I should say thank you.
I don't get that many people that some on here to hank me for a post that I did. Especially one that was just for installing the adobe flash player on their computer.
If I could I would ask why your choose Knoppix for your first linux distro. Knoppix is usually used to check for problems on a host computer. Not usually does it get used as an installed OS.
We can help you with choosing a different distro if you would want to install one on a computer that you have. Hi, I struggled on this one for a few hours. So far I tried: apt-get update startmenu-install components-flash player plugin still didn't work. Installed latest firefox downloaded flash.tar.gz and extracted it to a folder i created called flash terminal-./install-flash installed to the new firefox directory still nothin. I went to 'startmenu' (you can tell i'm an xp user) then synaptic package manager then searched for flash, and then looked down the list and found 2 packages with flash.
STILL NOTHING! Holy #@$%#$% finally I went to the startmenu then SPM and downloaded epiphany, netsurf, dillo &, midori. INSTALLING EPIPHANY OR MIDORI SOLVED THE PROBLEM.I can now stream videos on youtube using Knoppix. I guess there's a bug with firefox or something. 'ouch' that was a lot of effort and there wasn't any answers on this so I decided to post it in case some had the same problem. In NEW Ubuntu installs I get this problem every time.
My ISP uses flash on the page I use to access the site. Every new install I do brings up the same notification that I need to install a flash player. Every time I click on the link I get the same three options and I try all three, after which I shut down & restart to find that one of them has worked. I just don't know which one since I expect each install to take immediately and forgot my previous experience from a few months before.
Needless to say The installations do work and it just requires patience and a reboot to be effective.